Confirmation that their buildings perform at peak efficiency is a driving force for owners in today’s marketplace. Our team provides a variety of commissioning services to enable facility systems to consistently operate at optimum levels.

Commissioning Services

Commissioning Services

Building Enclosure

Building Enclosure Commissioning is the third-party process of verifying the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) through systematic verification, focusing on building enclosure materials and assemblies. A proactive BECx process starts as early as project inception during pre-design, and includes active involvement during design, construction, occupancy, and operations phases. The scope of services for building enclosure commissioning can be customized as needed to meet the project-specific goals including eligibility for LEED points.

Tennessee State Museum

Tennessee State Museum

Nashville, TN

Existing Building

Over time many buildings experience energy performance degradation, thermal comfort problems, equipment and system issues, or other general performance concerns. Our Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) team utilizes retro-commissioning, Continuous Commissioning, AFDD, and various tools to analyze a building's overall performance. Our experts identify the performance issues and work with the owner and their facilities teams to implement fixes and optimize the function of the building to reduce cost, save energy and carbon, and deliver improved thermal comfort.

AdventHealth Wesley Chapel

AdventHealth Wesley Chapel

Wesley Chapel, FL

Monitoring Based

Monitoring based commissioning (MBCx) integrates energy system monitoring with real time feedback, providing actionable equipment and system performance information to facility managers. Our team utilizes MBCx to facilitate identification of unusual system function or energy use patterns and detection of faulty equipment operations, with the goal of maintaining system function and energy efficiency over time. When implemented on a recently completed building, MBCx assists in preventing performance decay and potential risk mitigation associated with operations and equipment function issues. As part of MBCx, we use cloud-based Automatic Fault Detection and Diagnostics (AFDD) software to help our clients optimize their buildings on an ongoing basis.

BNA Vision Parking Garage

Nashville International Airport

Nashville, TN

New Building

Commissioning plays a crucial role in facilitating a smooth process that ensures a facility’s systems operate as they should. Our Triangle Approach to Commissioning aligns with project phases to satisfy project requirements. From the beginning of the design process through completion of construction to the end of the start-up phase, our new construction commissioning services help owners achieve sustainable operational performance results.

Fort Knox Medical Center

Fort Knox Medical Clinic

Fort Knox, KY

Thermal Modeling

Our thermal modeling services provide precise insights into the energy performance of your building envelope, ensuring optimal efficiency and comfort. We leverage advanced technology to evaluate condensation risks and corresponding solutions to verify performance and enhance sustainability.

Infrared exterior building

Vapor Drive Simulations

Our vapor drive simulations provide critical insights into moisture movement within your building envelope, ensuring optimal performance and durability. We use cutting-edge technology to predict and mitigate potential issues, keeping your building safe and efficient.

Man Testing
New Building

Triangle Approach to Commissioning

Our approach to commissioning develops a team with a mission to deliver a fully functional and energy-efficient project. Because of our experience in design, construction, and operation of facilities we understand each team member’s role in the total process.

Triangle Approach to Commissioning


During the design phase, we utilize former design professionals who understand the various aspects of system and equipment design to review the various design submissions. These professional engineers review for generally accepted engineering practices as well as control strategies for HVAC systems, life safety systems, emergency power systems, and other systems critical to the overall facility performance. Their review also focuses on the goals for the project as defined in the OPR. The result is a design that has been reviewed for compliance with the owner’s defined expectations and for compliance with design standards current with industry expectations.

Triangle Approach to Commissioning


In this phase, we provide a senior commissioning authority to manage the overall process. They will direct the efforts of our team in executing each element of the construction phase criteria. Our team will start with familiarizing ourselves with your project guidelines and facility program. We will provide experienced professionals in the various areas of the project such as professional mechanical and electrical engineers, test and balance specialists, HVAC control specialists, etc. to review the contract documents.

Triangle Approach to Commissioning


The systems must operate correctly in all modes and all seasons. The planning for the commissioning of the systems during the opposed season and the evaluation of the systems at the end of the warranty period will be developed in conjunction with the activities noted above. The opposed season testing will be executed as the weather allows appropriate demonstration. The warranty evaluation and reviews will be conducted approximately 10 months after substantial completion. We will meet with the staff and document their feedback on the performance of the systems over the first 10 months of occupancy. We will include this input in the revised final commissioning report.

Meet The Team

Andre Lehr



Andrew Hackett



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Billy Schlageter



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Mark Smith


Cx Business Development Principal

Rusty Ross



Ted Foster



Greg Isaacs


