he City of Murfreesboro is located in southeastern Middle Tennessee, approximately 30 miles outside of Nashville. The city was established almost 200 years ago as an agricultural community that specialized in harvesting corn, cotton, and tobacco. Since then, the economy of Murfreesboro has shifted to rely on a more stable industrial and manufacturing core. In addition, the city is home to Middle Tennessee State University and was recently named the “Most Livable Town in Tennessee.” These factors, along with many others, have made Murfreesboro the fastest growing city in the state of Tennessee and the United States. 

Due to its many accolades, the exponential growth of the region has put a strain on the city’s infrastructure and influenced the Murfreesboro Water Resource Recovery Facility (MWRRF) to undergo a multi-phase expansion and upgrade. The expanded facility enables the city to maintain its socioeconomic position and forecasted growth until 2035. SSR has been a trusted advisor to the City of Murfreesboro for over 50 years and supported MWRRF through these phased expansions. 

Through this relationship, we share the City of Murfreesboro’s mission in improving facility conditions and processes, and have helped MWRRF complete forward-thinking projects.  For example, our team designed one of the first reclaimed water systems in the state of Tennessee for the MWRRF and that was distributed throughout the City. We worked with facility staff to analyze process options  and conducted an economic analysis of how highly variable demands would impact the City’s return on investment.  Other successful projects completed through our partnership with MWRRF include the the first installation of waste-activated sludge dewatering with rotary presses, expansion of the biosolids handling facilities, installation of variable frequency drives for energy savings, a new headworks building, and improved process control.  

The most recent part of the expansion, Phase 4D, was completed in 2018. This phase included the addition of a third oxidation ditch for nitrification/denitrification and biological treatment, two 145-foot diameter final clarifiers, five deep bed sand filters, ultraviolet disinfection, and post-aeration upgrades. The facility is designed to treat medium strength waste and produce an effluent that will meet tertiary treatment standards suitable for non-potable reuse. The facility is monitored by a computer system with programmable logic controls at all treatment processes. 

Our team of civil, environmental, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, instrumentation and controls, and construction administration professionals provided National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting assistance, the preliminary engineering report, Biowin modeling, hydraulic modeling, detailed design, and construction phase services.  

We have also been able to support MWRRF through our knowledge of grant funding. SSR is well-versed in the intricate requirements of completing study, design and construction phase services in accordance with the strict requirements of projects tied to federal funds. The last two major expansions of this facility were accomplished using State Revolving Loan Funds (SRF). The Phase 4D expansion was funded by the largest SRF Loan in state history. 

We hold great value in our relationship and history with the City. Just 30 miles from our headquarters in Nashville, Murfreesboro is part of our community. SSR is fortunate to support MWRRF as a facility that provides recycled water to the community, nutrients to support aquatic ecosystems, and water to replenish sources of clean and accessible water for our people and our families.  
