Located just south of Nashville, the City of Brentwood is a popular residential community in the thick of the population boom of Middle Tennessee. With frequent new construction in both commercial and residential developments, as well as large private properties, the demand on water utilities continues to grow. To accommodate its existing and future residents, we lead the City of Brentwood in maintaining a living, frequently updated, Water Master Plan document that outlines how the City will operate its water distribution system for the foreseeable future.  

Our support in a Water Master Plan for the City of Brentwood began in 2009, with subsequent revisions throughout the years to incorporate unforeseen changes. The plan takes into account current growth in the system and anticipates further growth. In each revision we work with City of Brentwood staff to evaluate the existing infrastructure within the system, consider existing or potential water sources, identify improvements to reduce operational cost, evaluate conservation options, and create a capital improvement plan for the City to reference in budget development.  

We take a holistic approach in providing updates to the living master plan document, and our team utilizes advanced software to conduct hydraulic modeling of existing systems. We make assumptions on where growth is going to happen, simulate anticipated stress on the system, and look for components that will strain or break under the stress. We then talk with the City on how to update those identified components. With over 20 years of experience in hydraulic modeling as a firm, and staff who have conducted similar types of simulations for even longer, we know what to look for and can share our extensive knowledge with the City. We are also familiar with local and national requirements from regulation entities such as the AWWA. 

The City of Brentwood is a unique client in that it buys water from surrounding utilities, rather than having its own water / wastewater treatment facilities. The City has agreements with nearby Nashville Metro Water Services and Harpeth Valley Utilities District to provide clean water for its customers. These purchase agreements vary each month, depending on different rate structures and volume requirements. Our team of water professionals use an extensive background knowledge of demand, pricing, and common variances in water usage to help the City negotiate these agreements.  

Our history as both a local firm and industry leader in water/wastewater distribution has allowed us to become a trusted advisor to the utility, and to any third-party owners who work closely with the City. Contractors and developers that connect to the water distribution system trust our ability to analyze existing conditions and help them work through design issues. SSR will frequently provide a review of new development designs on the behalf of the City of Brentwood to confirm they meet the needs of the City.  

Only two exits from our Nashville headquarters, the City of Brentwood is not only a close client but also the home and community of many of our SSR colleagues. We are intimately familiar with the characteristics and challenges of the area and uniquely invested in the long-term operations and success of the City. In helping with this master document, we not only support a long-term client, but also our own community. 
