Compliance News Volume X, Issue V
The 2013 edition of NFPA 110 was recently released by the NFPA Standards Council. Chief among the changes in this edition were several changes, including informational Annex recommendations, intended to improve emergency power supply system (EPSS) reliability through better fuel oil management processes. The excerpts below are only partial excerpts, and readers should review the full text of the updated standard, which is available at In the discussion below, note that all Annex language is not mandatory, rather it is advisory only and contains recommendations for user consideration.
Paragraph was modified to stipulate that “tanks shall be sized so that the fuel is consumed within the storage life, or provisions shall be made to remediate fuel that is stale or contaminated or to replace stale or contaminated fuel with clean fuel.” Although these are not in NFPA 110, some popular remediation techniques incorporate filtering of the stored fuel through a series of water separators and media filters, periodic centrifuge cleaning/polishing with high pressure tank agitation and/or mechanical tank cleaning with auxiliary filtration.