There is no question that it is difficult to operate a robust healthcare system in the current market environment. In concert with reducing current operations, a larger subset of the GHG reduction trend is an increasing desire for healthcare systems to transition away from fossil-fuel burning systems to accommodate the “green grid” of the future. This is driven by the availability of direct offsets by using renewable energy and emission free technologies (circa nuclear energy production) and includes building new facilities without fossil-fuel burning equipment or appliances and retrofitting existing facilities with electric-based equipment. New building projects are straightforward as electric-based systems can be designed into the project. For existing buildings however, there are greater challenges to implementing electrification. A key consideration is the evaluation of the local utility grid’s clean energy timeline and the useful life of existing equipment. The main reason electrified HVAC, DHW (domestic hot water), cooking, and sterilization systems are evaluated from a sustainability perspective is to take advantage of the green grid of the future.
Electric systems that could be utilized in place of fossil fuel-based systems include:
Careful planning must be undertaken to make the transition in the most cost-effective manner. Additional considerations:
Once the conversation begins for pursuing electrification as a strategy for meeting future emission reduction goals, careful review of the existing facility and the feasibility of this transition should be reviewed. Starting this conversation early can create an opportunity for developing a long-term master plan (targeting emissions reductions by 2040 or 2050 for instance) where new fossil-fuel systems can be installed today, with infrastructure upgrades undertaken to replace these systems with heat-pumps by the end of their useful life in 20 years (2044). Emergency power and electrical supply systems can be properly evaluated, and leeway provided to increase the power capacity of the facility over time, spreading out the cost burden over several years. Power reductions through building improvements can contribute to lowering the power demand and lessening the design burden for system upgrades.
Contact our Building Optimization and Sustainability (BOS) team for more detail on the analysis necessary for implementing an electrification plan for a healthcare organization.