Diagnosing Persistent Leaks
As a building enclosure specialist with a background in roofing, I often am called to investigate persistent leak issues that end up having less to do with the roof than the rest of the building envelope.
Although roofing contractors usually are the first to be blamed for leaks, roofing contractors aren’t always able to properly diagnose certain chronic leak issues. Many clients throw away thousands of dollars on temporary solutions when they could have spent a fraction of that money on investigative services and correcting the problem on the first try. By following a set of key principles and a systematic approach to problem solving, you can determine a leak’s causes (that most likely are not the roof), keep your clients happy, and ultimately save them money.
In this article for Professional Roofing, Nick Warndorf, RRO, guides readers through a systematic approach to investigate misdiagnosed roof leaks that can save time and money.
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